onsdag 27. mai 2009

Litt om Avatar

''James Cameron's science fiction epic Avatar won't be just another CGI-heavy 3-D movie. Instead, says Cameron, the alien encounter movie starring Sigourney Weaver and Sam Worthington will be more real than regular films, and will revolutionize movie-making.''

''One more layer of the suspension of disbelief will be removed. All the syn-thespians are photo-realistic. Now that we've achieved it, we discovered CG characters in 3D look more real than in 2D. Your brain is cued – it's a real thing not a picture – and discounting part of [the] image that makes it look fake.''

Cameron touts Avatar as the single most complex piece of film-making ever, ''We have 1,600 shots for a 2.5 hour movie. It's not with a single CGI character, like King Kong or Gollum. We have hundreds of photo-realistic CG characters.''

''According to script treatments that have been floating around on the Internet, Avatar is about an interplanetary war and strange aliens who manifest themselves by possessing human bodies – their avatars in our world. Set against this background is a love story and a man trying to make his way as a miner by melding with an alien.''

Cameron innrømmer også at han frykter for manuset da mesteparten av tiden har gått med på tekniske utfordringer. Men, om dette blir halvparten så tøft som det høres ut kan dette umulig bli en komplett flopp. Det hjelper også at Michelle Rodriguez er med på turen. Mannen har skrevet 30 episoder av T:TSCC og flere terminator-filmer, Titanic og Aliens, pluss en hel del mer. Jeg ser med andre ord frem til neste generasjons film uten noen bekjymring. Selv om, ''mind-melt'' har blitt nevnt allerede..

via Senoculum

Kommer 18. desember.

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