tirsdag 2. juni 2009

Om Virtuality

Den to timer lange piloten til den nye scifi-serien Virtuality, med både Ronald D. Moore og Michael Taylor (BSG) bak skrivebordet, har fått en litt tidligere dato: 26. juni!

Fox om serien: ''The crew of the Phaeton is approaching the go/no-go point of its epic 10-year journey through outer space. With the fate of Earth in the crew's hands, the pressure is intense. The best bet for helping the crew members maintain their sanity is the cutting-edge virtual-reality technology installed on the ship. It's the perfect stress-reliever until they realize a glitch in the system has unleashed a virus on to the ship. Tensions mount as the crew decides how to contain the virus and complete their mission. Meanwhile, their lives are being taped for a reality show back on Earth.''

Jeg må si jeg gleder meg veldig til denne etter å ha sett hva slags kvalitet gutta leverte med BSG.

Kilde: Scifiwire.com

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